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Found 6 items.
Contribution of intestinal smooth muscle to Crohn's disease fibrogenesis
Published: 17 December 20142260PDF: 870HTML: 429 -
Different iron-handling in inflamed small and large cholangiocytes and in small and large-duct type intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma
Published: 19 October 20201161PDF: 577HTML: 11 -
Peribiliary gland damage due to liver transplantation involves peribiliary vascular plexus and vascular endothelial growth factor
Published: 10 May 20191856PDF: 623Supplementary: 0HTML: 8 -
Interaction between sphingosine kinase/sphingosine 1 phosphate and transforming growth factor-β/Smads pathways in experimental intestinal fibrosis. An in vivo immunohistochemical study
Published: 31 July 20181444PDF: 781Supplementary: 0HTML: 35 -
Expression and role of cocaine-amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) in the proliferation of biliary epithelium
Published: 19 October 20231097PDF: 349HTML: 8
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