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Found 7 items.
Overview of the optical properties of fluorescent nanoparticles for optical imaging
Published: 29 August 20171277PDF: 669HTML: 68 -
The role of mutated SOD1 gene in synaptic stripping and MHC class I expression following nerve axotomy in ALS murine model
Published: 17 May 20181508PDF: 561HTML: 22 -
Luminescence and fluorescence of essential oils. Fluorescence imaging in vivo of wild chamomile oil
Published: 16 June 2011757PDF: 825HTML: 1412 -
Relationship between lipid droplets size and integrated optical density
Published: 25 March 20191182PDF: 591HTML: 19 -
A spectrofluorometric analysis to evaluate transcutaneous biodistribution of fluorescent nanoparticulate gel formulations
Published: 7 February 20221065PDF: 477HTML: 18 -
Dynamic of lipid droplets and gene expression in response to β-aminoisobutyric acid treatment on 3T3-L1 cells
Published: 28 November 20181262PDF: 856HTML: 20 -
Low ozone concentrations promote adipogenesis in human adipose-derived adult stem cells
Published: 3 September 20181782PDF: 698Supplementary: 0HTML: 36
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