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Found 14 items.
The matrix stiffness is increased in the eutopic endometrium of adenomyosis patients: a study based on atomic force microscopy and histochemistry
Published: 4 December 2024601PDF: 112HTML: 0 -
Hormone receptor expression in human fascial tissue
Published: 2 November 20162632PDF: 1372HTML: 238 -
Expression of CHI3L1 and CHIT1 in osteoarthritic rat cartilage model. A morphological study
Published: 16 September 20142264PDF: 916HTML: 1599 -
Long noncoding RNA H19 accelerates tenogenic differentiation by modulating miR-140-5p/VEGFA signaling
Published: 7 September 20211249PDF: 698Supplementary: 117HTML: 18 -
Histological analysis of the dermal and hypodermal layers of the face and correlation with high-frequency 24 MHz ultrasonography and elastosonography
Published: 12 April 2024819PDF: 255HTML: 9 -
How physical exercise changes rat myotendinous junctions: an ultrastructural study
Published: 16 April 20121147PDF: 870HTML: 3294 -
LOX-1 deficient mice show resistance to zymosan-induced arthritis
Published: 22 January 20181499PDF: 703HTML: 59 -
Atorvastatin reduces calcification in valve interstitial cells via the NF-κB signalling pathway by promoting Atg5-mediated autophagy
Published: 12 April 2024518PDF: 282HTML: 5 -
Expression of the endocannabinoid receptors in human fascial tissue
Published: 28 June 20162551PDF: 1528HTML: 2341 -
Imaging and spectral analysis of autofluorescence patterns in larval head structures of mosquito vectors
Published: 20 September 2022927PDF: 387HTML: 49 -
MiR-550a-3p restores damaged vascular smooth muscle cells by inhibiting thrombomodulin in an in vitro atherosclerosis model
Published: 19 July 2022790PDF: 463Supplementary: 91HTML: 21 -
Histochemistry as a unique approach for investigating normal and osteoarthritic cartilage
Published: 15 April 20142932PDF: 952HTML: 3130 -
Stretching prior to resistance training promotes adaptations on the postsynaptic region in different myofiber types
Published: 15 February 20221270PDF: 548HTML: 29 -
Nuclear damages and oxidative stress: new perspectives for laminopathies
Published: 18 October 20121406PDF: 713HTML: 194
1 - 14 of 14 items