An immunohistochemical study of the pancreatic endocrine cells of the nude mouse, Balb/c-nu/nu

Published: 30 June 2009
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The regional distribution and frequency of the pancreatic endocrine cells in the nude mouse, Balb/c-nu/nu were studied by immunohistochemical (peroxidase anti-peroxidase; PAP) methods using specific antisera against insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and human pancreatic polypeptide (hPP). The pancreas of the mouse was divided into two lobes, the splenic and duodenal lobes, and each lobe was subdivided into three regions, the pancreatic islets (central and peripheral regions), the exocrine region and the pancreatic duct region (consisting of duct epithelium and surrounding connective tissue – sub-epithelial connective tissue). In the pancreatic islets, most of insulin-immunoreactive (IR) cells were located in the central region, and glucagon-, somatostatin and hPP-IR cells were located in the peripheral region regardless of the lobe. In the splenic part, glucagon-IR cells were also located in the central regions, and more numerous somatostatin-IR cells were detected in the central regions compared to those of the duodenal part. hPP-IR cells were restricted to the peripheral regions in both lobes but more numerous cells were detected in the duodenal portion as compared to those of the splenic portion. In the exocrine parenchyma of the splenic lobe, only insulin-, glucagon- and somatostatin-IR cells were detected.. Here, the insulin- and glucagon-IR cells formed cell clusters, while somatostatin-IR cells were present as solitary cells. In the exocrine region of the duodenal portion, only insulin-, somatostatin- and hPP-IR cells were observed, with the same distributional pattern as that found in the splenic lobe. However, clusters of cells consisting only of hPP-IR cells were distributed in the pancreas parenchyma as small islets. In the pancreatic duct region, only solitary hPP-IR cells were demonstrated in the sub-epithelial connective tissue regions of the splenic portion. In conclusion, some strain-dependent characteristic distributional patterns of pancreatic endocrine cells, especially of the hPP-IR cells, were found in the nude mouse. In addition, somewhat different distributional patterns were found between the two pancreatic lobes.



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How to Cite

Ku, S., & Lee, H. (2009). An immunohistochemical study of the pancreatic endocrine cells of the nude mouse, Balb/c-nu/nu. European Journal of Histochemistry, 50(1), 61–68.