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Found 23 items.
Senescence-associated ß-galactosidase staining over the lifespan differs in a short- and a long-lived fish species
Published: 29 February 20241133PDF: 615Supplementary: 57HTML: 9 -
Neurodegeneration in zebrafish embryos and adults after cadmium exposure
Published: 19 October 20172410PDF: 985HTML: 135 -
Colorimetric and fluorescent TRAP assays for visualising and quantifying fish osteoclast activity
Published: 24 March 20221474PDF: 1096HTML: 81 -
Specific association of growth-associated protein 43 with calcium release units in skeletal muscles of lower vertebrates
Published: 5 December 20141622PDF: 690HTML: 487 -
Effects of cadmium on the glial architecture in lizard brain
Published: 23 January 20172269PDF: 672HTML: 354 -
Novel understanding on genetic mechanisms of enteric neuropathies leading to severe gut dysmotility
Published: 25 November 20211667PDF: 983HTML: 42 -
Receptor-mediated endocytosis of lysozyme in renal proximal tubules of the frog Rana temporaria
Published: 13 April 20151863PDF: 690HTML: 1116 -
Effects of different rearing temperatures on muscle development and stress response in the early larval stages of Acipenser baerii
Published: 28 November 20171689PDF: 516HTML: 164 -
Different fusion tags affect the activity of ubiquitin overexpression on spastin protein stability
Published: 7 December 20211084PDF: 537HTML: 24 -
ECRG4 expression in normal rat tissues: expression study and literature review
Published: 18 May 20152167PDF: 989Supplementary: 311HTML: 1006 -
PACAP in developing sensory and peripheral organs of the zebrafish, Danio rerio
Published: 29 June 2009383PDF: 600 -
Developmental expression of high-mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) in the mouse cochlea
Published: 1 September 2023509PDF: 377HTML: 12 -
High glucose inhibits neural differentiation by excessive autophagy via peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma
Published: 11 May 2023730PDF: 585HTML: 17 -
Expression of 8-OHdG in Zosterisessor ophiocephalus from the Venetian lagoon, Italy
Published: 19 February 20131116PDF: 626HTML: 674 -
Metallothionein expression and synthesis in the testis of the lizard Podarcis sicula under natural conditions and following estrogenic exposure
Published: 3 May 20171546PDF: 539HTML: 152 -
Transgenesis techniques - Principles and protocols
Published: 7 June 2010901PDF: 444HTML: 152 -
Developmental expression of calretinin in the mouse cochlea
Published: 6 November 2024503PDF: 143HTML: 0 -
Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins during development of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Published: 14 April 20101130PDF: 602HTML: 4916 -
Characterization of glial fibrillary acidic protein and astroglial architecture in the brain of a continuously growing fish, the rainbow trout
Published: 29 June 2009467Untitled (): 0PDF: 790 -
Glyphosate, AMPA and glyphosate-based herbicide exposure leads to GFAP, PCNA and caspase-3 increased immunoreactive area on male offspring rat hypothalamus
Published: 13 October 20221091HTML: 54PDF: 533 -
Immunoreactivities of PPARγ2, leptin and leptin receptor in oviduct of Chinese brown frog during breeding period and pre-hibernation
Published: 9 September 20141504PDF: 624HTML: 271 -
Oocytes - Maternal Information and Functions
Published: 18 September 20171044PDF: 624HTML: 38
1 - 23 of 23 items