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Found 386 items.
A single simple procedure for dewaxing, hydration and heat-induced epitope retrieval (HIER) for immunohistochemistry in formalin fixed paraffin-embedded tissue
Published: 3 November 20152637PDF: 1439HTML: 780 -
Immunohistochemistry detected and localized cannabinoid receptor type 2 in bovine fetal pancreas at late gestation
Published: 7 March 20171947PDF: 877HTML: 312 -
MUC1 marks collecting tubules, renal vesicles, comma- and S-shaped bodies in human developing kidney
Published: 26 October 20121153PDF: 527HTML: 343 -
Immunolocalization of choline acetyltransferase of common type in the central brain mass of Octopus vulgaris
Published: 19 July 20121066PDF: 560 -
Glycol methacrylate embedding for the histochemical study of the gastrointestinal tract of dogs naturally infected with Leishmania infantum
Published: 26 October 20151352PDF: 618HTML: 1020 -
KISS1 and KISS1R expression in the human and rat carotid body and superior cervical ganglion
Published: 4 May 2011953PDF: 423HTML: 1015 -
Enhancement of immunohistochemical detection of Salmonella in tissues of experimentally infected pigs
Published: 9 July 20151860PDF: 820HTML: 1015 -
Immunohistochemical demonstration of specific antigens in the human brain fixed in zinc-ethanol-formaldehyde
Published: 5 August 20151922PDF: 761HTML: 1379 -
Human equilibrative nucleoside transporter 1 and carcinoma of the ampulla of Vater: expression differences in tumour histotypes
Published: 13 September 20101047PDF: 550HTML: 1659 -
Application of alternative fixatives to formalin in diagnostic pathology
Published: 4 May 20122570PDF: 1346 -
Quantification of morphology of canine circumanal gland tumors: a fractal based study
Published: 11 April 20161479PDF: 594HTML: 371 -
Reliable LC3 and p62 autophagy marker detection in formalin fixed paraffin embedded human tissue by immunohistochemistry
Published: 5 May 20156005PDF: 2548HTML: 2118 -
Neurochemistry study of spinal cord in non-human primate (Sapajus spp.)
Published: 15 September 20161401PDF: 619HTML: 379 -
Localization of peripheral autonomic neurons innervating the boar urinary bladder trigone and neurochemical features of the sympathetic component
Published: 6 May 20132139PDF: 1036HTML: 1035 -
Assessment of the Selenoprotein M (SELM) over-expression on human hepatocellular carcinoma tissues by immunohistochemistry
Published: 1 December 20141742PDF: 696HTML: 410 -
Ontogenic development of corticotrophs in fetal buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) pituitary gland
Published: 30 January 20142868PDF: 586HTML: 620 -
Correlation between PARP-1 immunoreactivity and cytomorphological features of parthanatos, a specific cellular death in breast cancer cells
Published: 20 November 20133070PDF: 649HTML: 325 -
Role of β-catenin expression in paediatric mesenchymal lesions: a tissue microarray-based immunohistochemical study
Published: 2 July 20121009PDF: 495HTML: 5339 -
Folliculostellate cells in pituitary pars distalis of male viscacha: immunohistochemical, morphometric and ultrastructural study
Published: 20 January 20109943PDF: 922HTML: 15006 -
Concomitant use of heat-shock protein 70, glutamine synthetase and glypican-3 is useful in diagnosis of HBV-related hepatocellular carcinoma with higher specificity and sensitivity
Published: 29 January 20181652PDF: 917HTML: 72 -
Diagnosis of sudden cardiac death due to early myocardial ischemia: An ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study
Published: 3 April 20181675PDF: 922Supplementary: 183HTML: 17 -
Developmental expression of inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate receptor in the post-natal rat cochlea
Published: 21 April 20151755PDF: 637HTML: 1016 -
The multifaceted role of podoplanin expression in hepatocellular carcinoma
Published: 13 February 20171541PDF: 705HTML: 297 -
Successful triple immunoenzymatic method employing primary antibodies from same species and same immunoglobulin subclass
Published: 16 September 20132751PDF: 693HTML: 2115 -
Effect of thyroxine on munc-18 and syntaxin-1 expression in dorsal hippocampus of adult-onset hypothyroid rats
Published: 22 May 2012796PDF: 420HTML: 1283 -
Expression of CHI3L1 and CHIT1 in osteoarthritic rat cartilage model. A morphological study
Published: 16 September 20142300PDF: 921HTML: 1599 -
Expression level of quiescin sulfhydryl oxidase 1 (QSOX1) in neuroblastomas
Published: 6 March 20142619PDF: 1114HTML: 354 -
Interindividual variability in the expression of surfactant protein A and B in the human lung during development
Published: 26 September 20161630PDF: 634Supplementary: 213HTML: 379 -
Dopamine D1 and D2 receptor immunoreactivities in the arcuate-median eminence complex and their link to the tubero-infundibular dopamine neurons
Published: 18 July 20142652PDF: 836Supplementary: 283HTML: 631 -
PARP-1 protein expression in glioblastoma multiforme
Published: 27 February 20122027PDF: 965HTML: 1737 -
An immunohistochemical study of the pancreatic endocrine cells of the Korean golden frog, Rana plancyi chosenica
Published: 20 January 20121053PDF: 434HTML: 1564 -
Somatotrophs and lactotrophs: an immunohistochemical study of Gallus domesticus pituitary gland at different stages of induced moult
Published: 19 May 2010901PDF: 1392HTML: 1348 -
Immunolocalization of succinate dehydrogenase in the esophagus epithelium of domesticated mammals
Published: 10 May 20132202PDF: 956HTML: 561 -
Expression of 8-OHdG in Zosterisessor ophiocephalus from the Venetian lagoon, Italy
Published: 19 February 20131116PDF: 626HTML: 674 -
Histopathological and immunohistochemical study of the hepatic lesions experimentally induced by Entamoeba dispar
Published: 26 August 2010945PDF: 530HTML: 2088 -
Lubricin is expressed in chondrocytes derived from osteoarthritic cartilage encapsulated in poly(ethylene glycol) diacrylate scaffold
Published: 15 September 20111254PDF: 655HTML: 3850 -
Immunohistochemical markers of CYP3A4 and CYP3A7: a new tool towards personalized pharmacotherapy of hepatocellular carcinoma
Published: 11 April 20161798PDF: 639HTML: 409 -
Reinke's Edema: investigations on the role of MIB-1 and hepatocyte growth factor
Published: 8 July 2010853PDF: 367HTML: 5933 -
Fibroblast activating protein-α expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus in primary and irradiated tumors: the use of archival FFPE material for molecular techniques
Published: 20 June 20171361PDF: 610HTML: 88 -
Ultrastructure and immunohistochemical characterization of proteins concerned with the secretory machinery in goat ceruminous glands
Published: 8 August 20171311PDF: 554HTML: 141 -
Differential expression patterns of N-acetylglucosaminyl transferases and polylactosamines in uterine lesions
Published: 26 May 20141663PDF: 1594HTML: 392 -
Three-dimensional scaffold-free fusion culture: the way to enhance chondrogenesis of in vitro propagated human articular chondrocytes
Published: 5 November 20134168PDF: 878HTML: 953 -
Morphological and immunohistochemical study of ovarian and tubal dysplasia associated with tamoxifen
Published: 15 April 20141768PDF: 685HTML: 468 -
Immunohistochemical localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins during development of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Published: 14 April 20101132PDF: 602HTML: 4916 -
An immunohistochemical study of matrix proteins in the craniofacial cartilage in midterm human fetuses
Published: 2 December 20132962PDF: 698HTML: 1164 -
Seasonal changes of androgen receptor, estrogen receptors and aromatase expression in the medial preoptic area of the wild male ground squirrels (Citellus dauricus Brandt)
Published: 2 May 20161298PDF: 578HTML: 227 -
A simplified immunohistochemical classification of skeletal muscle fibres in mouse
Published: 24 June 20143471PDF: 1338HTML: 963 -
Characterizing the activation of the Wnt signaling pathway in hilar cholangiocarcinoma using a tissue microarray approach
Published: 9 February 20161384PDF: 718HTML: 327 -
Proteoglycan and collagen expression during human air conducting system development
Published: 29 June 2012824PDF: 658 -
Toll-like receptor 4 expression in the epithelium of inflammatory periapical lesions. An immunohistochemical study
Published: 26 October 20151480PDF: 902HTML: 341 -
Effects of cadmium on the glial architecture in lizard brain
Published: 23 January 20172354PDF: 672HTML: 354 -
Expression of SPANX proteins in normal prostatic tissue and in prostate cancer
Published: 9 September 20101102PDF: 400HTML: 1275 -
Differential expression of KCNQ1 K+ channel in tubular cells of frog kidney
Published: 8 February 2010949PDF: 367HTML: 3593 -
Metallothionein expression and synthesis in the testis of the lizard Podarcis sicula under natural conditions and following estrogenic exposure
Published: 3 May 20171548PDF: 539HTML: 152 -
Immunohistochemical analysis of matrix metalloproteinase-13 in human caries dentin
Published: 17 March 20142021PDF: 768HTML: 580 -
An in situ hybridization study of perlecan, DMP1, and MEPE in developing condylar cartilage of the fetal mouse mandible and limb bud cartilage
Published: 25 September 20151236PDF: 677HTML: 491 -
ECRG4 expression in normal rat tissues: expression study and literature review
Published: 18 May 20152173PDF: 992Supplementary: 311HTML: 1006 -
Angiotensin II: immunohistochemical study in Sardinian pterygium
Published: 28 July 20141604PDF: 625HTML: 358 -
Are podoplanin and ezrin involved in the invasion process of the ameloblastomas?
Published: 24 February 20151573PDF: 587HTML: 702 -
Immunohistochemical evidence of Muc1 expression during rat embryonic development
Published: 26 November 20101332PDF: 548HTML: 2267 -
3-hydroxi-anthranilic acid is early expressed in stroke
Published: 2 December 20161590PDF: 539HTML: 301 -
Immunohistochemical markers of neural progenitor cells in the early embryonic human cerebral cortex
Published: 1 February 20163640PDF: 2241HTML: 1490 -
Effects of hyperthyroidism on expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and apoptosis in fetal adrenal glands
Published: 26 November 20151873PDF: 876HTML: 621 -
Seasonal expression of androgen receptor, aromatase, and estrogen receptor alpha and beta in the testis of the wild ground squirrel (Citellus dauricus Brandt)
Published: 17 February 20151952PDF: 714HTML: 703 -
Expression pattern of thymosin beta 4 in the adult human liver
Published: 7 September 20111076PDF: 597HTML: 1279 -
Immunolocalization of NGF and its receptors in ovarian surface epithelium of the wild ground squirrel during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons
Published: 9 May 20141637PDF: 829HTML: 514 -
Merkel-like cell distribution in the epithelium of the human vagina. An immunohistochemical and TEM study
Published: 16 February 20181173PDF: 491HTML: 65 -
High temperature requirement A1, transforming growth factor beta1, phosphoSmad2 and Ki67 in eutopic and ectopic endometrium of women with endometriosis
Published: 9 December 20151621PDF: 647HTML: 390 -
Stem/progenitor cells in the developing human cerebellum: an immunohistochemical study
Published: 19 September 20161876PDF: 734HTML: 266 -
Apigenin induces dermal collagen synthesis via smad2/3 signaling pathway
Published: 13 April 20152519PDF: 1163HTML: 863 -
Gemst: a taylor-made combination that reverts neuroanatomical changes in stroke
Published: 25 May 20171333PDF: 537HTML: 189 -
Aberrant DKK3 expression in the oral leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis: a comparative immunohistochemical study
Published: 16 June 20162036PDF: 700HTML: 333 -
OTX1 and OTX2 as possible molecular markers of sinonasal carcinomas and olfactory neuroblastomas
Published: 9 February 20171923PDF: 986HTML: 340 -
Postnatal development of thalamic reticular nucleus projections to the anterior thalamic nuclei in rats
Published: 24 March 2022986PDF: 813HTML: 27 -
Immunohistochemical expression of heparanase isoforms and syndecan-1 proteins in colorectal adenomas
Published: 17 February 20161866PDF: 632HTML: 441 -
Immunohistochemical demonstration of keratins in the epidermal layers of the Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica), with remarks on the evolution of the integumental scale armour
Published: 16 September 20132761PDF: 908HTML: 481 -
Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 protein expression in normal and neoplastic prostatic tissue
Published: 15 April 20132287PDF: 3101HTML: 214 -
GalNAc-T15 in gastric adenocarcinoma: Characterization according to tissue architecture and cellular location
Published: 14 June 20183049PDF: 473Supplementary: 186HTML: 23 -
Immunological detection of m- and µ-calpains in the skeletal muscle of Marchigiana cattle
Published: 14 January 20131712PDF: 635HTML: 521 -
Morphological and histochemical characterization of the secretory epithelium in the canine lacrimal gland
Published: 2 November 20211177PDF: 561HTML: 20 -
Knockdown of RAGE inhibits growth and invasion of gastric cancer cells
Published: 18 November 20133722PDF: 649HTML: 244 -
Significance and relationship between DJ-1 gene and survivin gene expression in laryngeal carcinoma
Published: 21 March 20111048PDF: 379HTML: 1597 -
Developmental characteristics of cutaneous telocytes in late embryos of the silky fowl
Published: 15 October 2024803PDF: 135HTML: 1 -
Effects of hypophyseal or thymic allograft on thymus development in partially decerebrate chicken embryos: expression of PCNA and CD3 markers
Published: 30 August 2010898PDF: 666HTML: 3898 -
TRAIL, DR5 and caspase 3-dependent apoptosis in vessels of diseased human temporomandibular joint disc. An immunohistochemical study
Published: 13 September 20102216PDF: 480HTML: 1575 -
alpha2,3 sialic acid processing enzymes expression in gastric cancer tissues reveals that ST3Gal3 but not Neu3 are associated with Lauren's classification, angiolymphatic invasion and histological grade
Published: 29 September 2022874PDF: 494Supplementary: 78HTML: 22 -
Decellularized omentum as novel biologic scaffold for reconstructive surgery and regenerative medicine
Published: 24 January 20131704PDF: 788HTML: 1075 -
Expression of parafibromin in major renal cell tumors
Published: 23 October 20121078PDF: 522HTML: 214 -
Expression of lumican related to CD34 and VEGF in the articular disc of the human temporomandibular joint.
Published: 8 July 20101077PDF: 477HTML: 3333 -
Immunohistochemical localization and morphometry of somatotrophs and lactotrophs in protein, probiotic and symbiotic supplemented molted layers
Published: 29 June 2012736PDF: 425 -
The usefulness of c-Kit in the immunohistochemical assessment of melanocytic lesions
Published: 7 June 2011919PDF: 534HTML: 9857 -
Syndecan expressions in the human amnion and chorionic plate
Published: 27 October 20101277PDF: 504HTML: 623 -
RXRα is upregulated in first trimester endometrial glands of spontaneous abortions unlike LXR and PPARγ
Published: 2 November 20161500PDF: 718HTML: 306 -
Different immunohistochemical levels of Hsp60 and Hsp70 in a subset of brain tumors and putative role of Hsp60 in neuroepithelial tumorigenesis
Published: 28 June 20132467PDF: 555HTML: 332 -
Expression of lumican and fibromodulin following interleukin-1 beta stimulation of disc cells of the human temporomandibular joint
Published: 1 April 20111308PDF: 589HTML: 1846 -
Reelin expression in human liver of patients with chronic hepatitis C infection
Published: 17 March 20172389PDF: 783HTML: 353